Getting Started

The tmc helps you to interact with a Thing Model catalog, which may be hosted on any git forge like GitHub or create your own catalog in a git repository of your choosing.

To integrate publicly available and your own private Thing Models into your product, the tmc can be run as a server, exposing a REST API that can be protected with JWT tokens.

Configure Autocompletion (Optional)

  1. Read the help of the completion command to find out which shells are supported
     tmc completion -h
  2. Follow the instructions of the shell specific help text
     tmc completion <shell> -h

Browse the Example Catalog

We provide an example repository for you to get acquainted with tmc. The following commands assume that you use the example repository. If your organization hosts a TM catalog for use as a default, you will need to change the commands accordingly.

Configure the Example Repository

tmc repo add -t http example

List the Contents of the Example Repository

tmc list

The listed names are formatted as follows


You can specify a part of that path after the list command to filter the list for only parts of the list tree ( use tab to auto-complete path parts):

tmc list omnicorp/omnicorp

There are other options to list a subset of available TMs from a catalog. See tmc list -h for details.

List Versions

Every model entry in the list may contain multiple versions, reflecting the evolution of the Thing Model (bugfixes, additions, changes in the device itself …). List the available versions with the versions command:

tmc versions omnicorp/omnicorp/lightall

Fetch a Thing Model

Like what you see? Fetch and store locally using the fetch command. It will print the Thing Model to stdout to enable unix-like piping:

tmc fetch omnicorp/omnicorp/lightall/

If you specify just the name, the CLI will fetch the latest version automatically.

tmc fetch omnicorp/omnicorp/lightall

You can fetch the latest TM matching a specific semantic version or part of it by adding the version to the TM name, separated by a colon. For example, all the following commands fetch the same version ‘v2.0.1’.

tmc fetch omnicorp/omnicorp/lightall:v2
tmc fetch omnicorp/omnicorp/lightall:v2.0
tmc fetch omnicorp/omnicorp/lightall:v2.0.1

To store the Thing Model locally instead of printing to stdout, specify the -o flag and point it to a directory:

tmc fetch omnicorp/omnicorp/lightall-mk2 -o .

Host Your Own Catalog

If you want to host a catalog for your organization or project you should create (See Create a Repository) and populate (See Import Thing Models) a repository and then host it using one of the two options:

  1. A simple read-only catalog hosted by your favorite git forge
  2. A catalog served by the TMC REST API

You can configure those as a repo of type ‘http’ or ‘tmc’, respectively

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